Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Today, February 17th, there have been 4.8 billion users on the internet and 6.3 billion searches on Google. What this means is that your business needs to be on the top list of these searches. SEO is how you get to the top of those searches.

As of today, February 17th, there have been 4.8 billion users on the internet and 6.3 billion searches on Google.  With so many searches your business should be vying to be on the top of these searches.   SEO is how you get to the top of those searches for the people who are looking for your goods/services.

So how do you do it? SEO.  You probably have heard of search engine optimization, but do you know what it is and how it works?  Let’s demystify this concept so that you can enhance your website to be one of the top results.

What is SEO and How does it work?

SEO is the process in which you optimize your website so that a search engine can place it at the top of searches.  In order to obtain users, you need to insert your website with unique words that will be indexed, ranked, by the search engine.

SEO is affected by certain methods, some of which are domain factors and on-page optimization.

people using hand click searching browsing internet page on computer touch screen

Domain Factors

Domain factors revolve around your domain. You should have your keyword in the domain.  It’s even better if the keyword is the first word in your domain.

Making sure your website is properly structured and has a sitemap and registered with Google Search Console.  Don’t stress about the age of your website; other factors will matter more.

These tips are just a few that will boost your SEO.



On-page optimization is determined from four concepts: 

  • Technical optimization– Having faster server speeds gives your site a faster response time and with a better source code, your website’s performance can be improved and allows the search engine to identify your domain faster.
  • Content– Your content needs to revolve around your keyword with styles to designate sections like bolding, underlining, and italicizing. A picture is worth a thousand words. Having pictures and videos give your content “eye candy” and can help enforce what you are saying.
  • Links and structure– Having links allow the SEO to scroll through your website and helps navigate users. The structure is important in designing your content. Any information that is not about the keyword makes the SEO bot tag your content as “noindex,” and will exclude it from searches.


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Design– This is how users access and interact with your site. You need to make your site mobile friendly. 51% of time spent on the internet is from phone users. You also need to account for file size. A file that is too large will be harder to read for the search engine and users, so try to make it as small as possible.

SEO is important to digital marketing. In order to grow your business, you need to optimize your site in order to bring in traffic. As said before, domain factors and on page optimization are just a few of the methods to optimizing your search engine. Follow these two and watch your SEO grow!


FREE Website Report

If you are interested in having a digital audit of your business or organization; check out our free website report;  The report is yours regardless of whether or not we work together.  Or check out the services we provide. 

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About Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

We are digital marketing company that focuses on website design, social integration and content creation.

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