Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Sports Marketing Communications with Henry Skutt

In the 36th episode of the GDMS Podcast, we discussed Sports Marketing Communications with Henry Skutt, Graduate Assistant in the Athletic Department for Ohio University.
Sports Marketing Communications with Henry Skutt

Sports Marketing Communications with Henry Skutt

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In the 36th episode of the GDMS Podcast, we discussed Sports Marketing Communications with Henry Skutt, Graduate Assistant in the Athletic Department for Ohio University.

We also discuss the following:

  • Peloton’s more recent commercials 
  • Peloton’s rebound from its 2019 commercial that received tons of backlash on social media
  • The importance of engaging your audience on social media
  • A marketing minute with Matt on Content Creation

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What is Sports Marketing COMMUNICATIONS?

Sports Marketing COMMUNICATIONS Definition

Sports Marketing Communications is using a holistic approach to running an athletic department or sports organization.

Sports Marketing Communications involves the coordination of information between social media, content creation, analytics, communications divisions along with the coaching staff to put together an effective and engaging marketing strategy.  

The communications division is an athletic department or sports organization is the glue that pulls all this information together.

Our interview this week was Henry Skutt a Student at Ohio University pursuing an MBA/MSA Dual Degree in Sports Administration. Henry is an Athletic Communications Graduate Assistant and was a Special Projects Graduate Assistant last year for the College of Business. In the interview, we discussed the following:

  • Was Henry’s dream to become a Sports Marketing Communications professional or is this just part of his Sports Admin degree?
  • Henry discusses how important it is to have a strong digital presence as a sports team or athletic program today
  • Henry discusses how important data is becoming to sports marketing
  • Henry examines why it’s important to have a holistic viewpoint of an athletic department to its entire success
  • Henry talks about the types of analytics sports marketing communications professionals are you currently getting involved with as part of the athletic department
    • Are the analytics purely bottom-line based, but are you also diving into athlete-based analytics as well?
  • How important has social media become to athletic departments and sports marketing communications?
    • What kind of things can a sports marketing communications division obtain by using them?
    • How should coaches of an athletic department use them?
    • Henry gives me an example of a program or coach that is good at using them and a program that is bad at using them?
    • Henry discusses the importance of tracking social sentiment on social media as an Athletic Department and in the sports marketing communications division 
    • We discuss how important it is to take into account social listening from a coaching perspective
  • Henry discusses the importance of content creation for sports marketing communications
  • Henry discusses how important wifi at stadiums is to increasing the in-person experience of both fans and potential recruits
  • Henry gives us an example of campaigns or initiatives that he has worked on in the sports marketing communication division
  • Henry discusses how they use the data for those campaigns to gauge his success
  • Henry’s favorite scary movie both A list and D list
  • Henry’s favorite Virginia Tech Football Player
  • Henry’s favorite Virginia Tech Football moment

glorious marketing of the week

Peloton hits the mark on it's recent advertisemtn

With the pandemic seemingly in the rearview window, and normal life starting to get back on track,  Peloton released “Nothing Like Working Out From Home” to remind their customers and potential customers of the benefits of working out from home.

In the advertisement, Peloton displays multi-cultural and multi-generational everyday people doing all sorts of different work-out regimes through the Peloton App. 

more than just an exercise bike

When you think of Peloton, you more than likely think of the Peloton Bike.   It might surprise you to find out that Peloton is much more than just an exercise bike.

Peloton is an exercise subscription model business.  After an initial investment in the Peloton exercise bike, you also have to invest in their Peloton App, which is $40/month.

The Peloton App gives you access to Peloton classes and trainers.  The classes available are not just for your Peloton bike.  They include workout classes, yoga, lifting, and much much more.

A person watching this commercial will learn this fairly quickly, as the advertisement goes shows people doing a variety of different exercises.

An App for everyone

Prominently displayed throughout the advertisement are people of all ages, cultures, and demographics.

Peloton is driving home that their app is all-inclusive. A person who does Peloton can be any age, can be any color, and can be fun for the entire family.  


As people start returning to more normal lives, Peloton wants you to continue to work out from the comforts of your own home.  It saves you time, money, and is so easy anyone from any age group can do with you.  Peloton has a variety of different exercise classes that don’t involve the bike, so you don’t need to have more than one!

This is the message that is driven home from Peloton and it’s done in a quick 30-second window, and it’s really effective.

Henry Skutt

Sports Marketing Communications with Henry Skutt - Circle

Christina Garnett, Student at Ohio University pursuing a MBA/MSA Dual Degree in Sports Administration

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