Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Free Website SEO Checker

We've got you covered For 1 or 100 searches

Our Free SEO Ranking Checker report checks everything from your on-page, off-page, and technical SEO, as well as Local SEO in minutes

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  • Links & Website Authority

    We will tell you the key indicators that factor into SEO and how they affect your rankings in search

  • Rank Checker

    This section of our SEO rank checker shows the positions or "rankings'" that your website comes up in search queries in for your important keywords. We look at the two biggest search engines for this information, Google and Bing.

  • Local Business Listings

    For businesses based on location, it's crucial that customers can find you, as well as your address, phone number and other details.

    We audit the most influential online directories and tell you which ones you do or don't have a listing for. Listing that you do have we check if your information is accurate and consistent. Even using dashes instead of periods for you phone number confuses search engines.

  • Reviews & Ratings

    In this part of the SEO audit we examine your reviews on the most influential review sites. We will tell you the total number of reviews and your average rating. Additionally we provide the 10 most recent reviews across all these review websites.

  • Google My Business

    We analyze your Google My Business optimization. Listings from GMB are super critical in organic search results and onGoogle maps results. GMB is an enormous powerful tool for marketing your business.

  • On-Site SEO

    On-Site SEO factors are everything on your website that affect your ability to rank high in search engines. On-Site SEO factors both visible on the individual webpages or in the code of the backend of your website, which search engines can see, and will effect the site's search rankings.

  • Social Channels

    We also examine your use of and popularity across social media. A social presence is key for customers or potential customers engaging with your business. Sharing your content and their experiences with your brand will raise awareness and help drive traffic to your website.

GDMS Free SEO Checker screenshot


If you are interested in talking to us before or after your free website report; sign up for our free 1/2 hour consultation.  We will not sell you services, we are interested in learning about your business or organization and how we might help.  Or check out the services we provide. 

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Your Guide to our free website rank checker

Table of Contents

what is seo

SEO Meaning/What is SEO?

A great place to start is understanding what SEO is.  SEO stands for “search engine optimization.”  Search Engines work but crawling and indexing website to anaylize their content.  They do this so that when you search for something they can give you the best results.  

The optimization part is making sure your website’s content is readable to search engine.  If Google or Bing can’t read or understand what a website’s content is about, then it won’t list that website in the search engine results pages.  

remember search engines when to deliver the best results, not just any result"

website audit

A website audit gives you an opportunity to understand what your website is ranking for and how search engines understand it.  You might think that it is easy for search engines to understand what your website is about, but it’s not always so straightforward.  

Why do you need seo

Use our website checker to see how your website is performing

An SEO rank checker can tell you a lot about not only the search-ability of your website but also any technical issues that are hindering search engines ability to crawl your site.

Your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) is key to being found online.  The Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio’s free SEO checker, will perform a full SEO audit of your website and send you a report.

Our SEO report includes:

Search Engines

When it comes to the internet, if you can't be found in search, you might as well not exist.

For search engines, like Google, Yahoo, and Bing, to work they have to have an understanding of what your website is about. That's why you should always check SEO. Metadata is one way in which you can tell search engines your pages' function.


Metadata is not seen on the front of your website. Meta data is literally data about data, which is structured pieces of information. For example, a picture on your website is clearly visible for people to see. But, a search engine cannot tell what a picture is, not yet at least.

Metadata in the form of an alt tag, provides a written description for a search engine to read. The visitor to your website will likely never seen this unless they download the picture or they are using a reader to view your website's content.


Webpages should not be built in isolation. Your webpages should be linked and easily found from your homepage. Not only does it make it easier for visitors to your website, it also makes it easy for search engines to move through your website.

Search engines, just like users, like to have signals and structure to point to relevant content.

Page Quality

It's not enough to just have a website with keywords on it. Search engines are smart and getting smarter; you need to have high-quality content on your website.

What do we mean by high-quality content? A good place to start is having modern website architecture, with well-written content that speaks to your goals and messaging. Additionally, always make sure your content is relevant, updated, non-repetitive with images, including alt text.

off-page factors

It's not just your website that search engines look at. It's the entire web. There are several external factors that can improve your search engine rankings.

We can help you rank higher in search results and earning more organic traffic.

What will you learn from our free SEO Checker

An SEO audit can tell you a lot about not only the search-ability of your website but also any technical issues that are hindering search engines ability to crawl your site.

Always Check your website's SEO for optimization
Only our website rank checker can deliver the SEO report you need

We have taken the classic Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs and applied it to Search engine optimization

Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs for Search Engine Optimization

How does our website SEO Checker work?

Our SEO Checker is 100% free!  You are under no obligation to do any business with us.  Depending on your score, we will reach out to you and see if it is something you would like help with or you can certainly contact us.

You simply put in your url and we will run it through a system similar to that of Google to check key SEO metrics based on the structure of your website, it’s domain and page quality, structure, internal and external linking and external factors.

Minutes! We  use a powerful tool that delivers your results in under 10 minutes and will email you the results.  Those results are yours to keep.

We rate your website from poor to great in seven keys areas essential to awesome SEO.  

  •  Links and Authority
  • Rank Checker
  • Local Listings
  • Reputation Management
  • Google My Business
  • On-Site SEO
  • Social Channels

Don’t fret to much! SEO is an art and not always that straight forward.  You can certainly use the results as a guide to fix issues yourself.  Or you can take it to a digital marketing agency like us for help.  We provide measurable results and won’t confuse you with a bunch of tech jargon.

Definitely look at other resources online and other ways to measure your website’s performance, not just for SEO, but for any metric. T here are a lot of great tools out there. We  feel our SEO Checker gives you easy to understand results and serves a practical roadmap to success.

Check SEO for your website again.  See if your score has improved, if you are having difficulty, feel free to reach out to us.

SEO Analysis

Routinely analyzing your SEO will result in higher search traffic.  Our website analysis report will be a useful guide.  We offer a wide variety of other tools to check your SEO; it’s also something we can manage for you.

Our analysis of your website’s SEO performance provides you with actionable areas of improvement.  These areas include   

As one of the top SEO companies check out all of our seo services

SEO Services graphic

SEO Optimize
with our website checker
How does SEO work?

There are a lot of factors that go into how a search engine delivers the results that you’re searching for.  Search engines look for certain information when they are crawling a website, beyond what is visible to the casual visitor.

Google, or any search engine, takes these factors and index them.  That index is sent through an algorithm that determines if it is the best information for someone’s search query.  Quite a few factors go into these algorithms that you can fix to help search engines read your website.

Facts about SEO

What you need to know about SEO

Not sure if you need a page rank checker Consider these statistics

of all web traffic comes from organic search
10 %
of all online journeys begin with a search
10 %
the conversion rate for SEO leads
1 %
of all websites receive zero traffic from search
20 %
the click-trough-rate for the top ranked search result
10 %

Free SEO Checker

Our free SEO website checker lets you see all of the on-page and off-page errors that are preventing you from ranking higher in search.  Our SEO audit give you actionable items that you can start fixing right away.  When you make changes, you can re-run our SEO checker and see how you improved. 

Our Free Website SEO Checker is easy to use.  Simply enter your email address, Enter the domain name in the form and click on “Analyze”. In a few minutes our website SEO scanner will show your Website Score, notices, warnings, critical errors. The website SEO analysis is divided on site-level and page-level issues. If you see some unknown issues, use buttons “How to fix” to understand why fixing this issue is important and how to do that.

There’s no better time than the present to look at more than just your website SEO check. As one of the top SEO agencies we have a multitude of seo tools we use.

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