Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Our content marketing services

Content Marketing Agency

Let's see how you drive revenue, build awareness and generate leads with our content marketing services. 

Learn About Our Content Marketing Services

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Content Marketing Definition

Drive Traffic, Rankings, & Sales with our content marketing services

Why Invest in content marketing services?

what is content marketing?

Content Marketing is basically everything your business produces.  We handle from strategizing about the what content to develop, creating it, finding the right channels and making sure it gets the awareness you need. 

Our content marketing services are based on understanding your business and goals.  We cover the full-range of content creation from engineered to achieve your business goals.

Content is King; context is key

What types of content marketing are there?

Content marketing is one of the most impactful digital marketing strategies.  Content fuels your marketing and will deliver leads and growth; more than doubling conversions on websites.

There are many types of content.  Here is just a selection of some:

  • Web Copy
  • Blog Posts & Articles
  • Infographics
  • Slide Decks
  • Videos
  • eBooks & White Papers
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Our Content Marketing Services

All of our content marketing services start with data.  Your data, industry data, and our own.  We examine analytics, tracking statistics, competitive analyses and social listening to identify what will be the best fit for your business.  We review your current content marketing strategy before we make a plan.

We examine search intent and seek out ways to better understand your business, so that we can create meaningful, relevant content.  Once we have that background knowledge we craft campaigns centered on your core marketing goals and with your target audience in mind

Lastly, we provide reporting on the performance of your campaigns and iterate based on performance. 

  • Content Strategy & Plan
    Having a solid content strategy customized for your business and goals is the first place to start.
  • Content Development & Creation
    The type of content will depend on your specific needs. Certain contain works best on certain platforms better than others. We make content shareable and searchable.
  • Content Deployment & Promotion
    Content needs to be shared on the most strategic channels for the best reach and engagement. Content doesn’t find its own audience; but we promote your content in the right places.

Digital Marketing Campaigns that drive Growth

Creating great content, incoming links and SEO are all tied closely together.  If you make great content, people will want to link to it.  

We employ a number of techniques to get your website and its content quality links.  Check out our Backlink Creation Services    

  • Link Roundups
  • Broken Link Building Strategy
  • Strategic Partnerships
  • Infographic and Visual Content Creation
  • Testimonial Submissions
  • Link Reclaming
  • Blog Reviews

as well as drive brand awareness and website traffic, content marketing is essential to increasing your company’s revenue.

Our content marketing service packages are designed with your business in mind.  We believe in highly personalized marketing services, making content creation for you hassle-free.

We develop a content marketing plan, design a content marketing calendar, create and edit the content, and craft a distribution and awareness plan to leverage your new content to the fullest extent.  Specialized content is our speciality. 

Website Image Graphic

#1 Best in Content Marketing Services

content marketing services image

We'll be your content marketing consultant

As your content marketing services partner, mo matter which content marketing service  you pick, we deliver a personalized strategy and campaign that drives lead generation and conversions.

Content Marketing Examples

Blog Content Creation

Blogs are great for several reasons.   Blog posts drive website traffic to customers and potential customers.  These posts are an opportunity to grow awareness and engage your target audiences.  As an owned media marketing channel, blogs give you an expanded platform to tell stories.  

Blogs, correctly position, and developed with a marketing strategy in mind, can attract new customers and engage current customers. We look to you as subject matter experts to craft blogs that are SEO friendly; with relevant topics, keywords, titles, meta data and designed to fit your brand and website.

We conduct extensive research in content creation.  We feel it is that critical to your business’s success.  We are constantly looking to see what content resonates with your customers.  

Developing a content strategy

Keyword Research

Keywords are really where all content marketing should start.  Keyowrds help you identify an overall purpose behind your content, prep it for search engine optimization,  and develop meaningful content that drives traffic to your website. 

If we were building a campaign about a wedding venue.  We would look at relevant keyword strings and search queries people are already asking, such as “popular plated meals for weddings”  or “how to plan a wedding.”

We conduct extensive research in content creation.  We feel it is that critical to your business’s success.  We are constantly looking to see what content resonates with your customers.  

content is king

We take a goal-centric approach to developing a content strategy.  We look at  your business, competitors, industry to understand what you’re all about. 

content is king

We take a goal-centric approach to developing a content strategy.  We look at  your business, competitors, industry to understand what you’re all about. 

We’ll develop a custom content marketing strategy for you

Content Development

Creating content might seem easier than it is.  Writing content for online consumption isn’t the same as writing for any audience.  With online content you have two audiences; people reading your content and search engines crawling it.

People read differently online, unlike a book, people scan to find the information they are looking for.  Will you find people that are totally engrossed in a blog artile you write and read every word, of course! But most people will not.  Most online searches result as a desire to find some information. People naturally want to expedite the process.

Your keywords should focus on what your customers or target audience would be searching for.  They shouldn’t be based on just selling.  What questions related to your business are people searching for the answer to?  Do they want to know which cars get the best mileage? What’s clothes do certain celebrities wear? or what are the features on the latest mobile devices?

Asking yourself what your customers, potential customers are asking, will help you in developing your keywords and your content strategy.


How do we know which keywords to choose, though?

As your content marketing service provider, we look at several factors when conducting keyword research, including:

  • Search volume: It’s important to create content for keywords with a fair number of monthly searches. While a higher search volume is great, it doesn’t necessarily translate to achieving your goals, which is why we also consider keywords with a lower search volume.
  • Competition: Depending on your website’s SEO status, it can prove challenging to rank in search results for high-competition keywords. That is why our organic SEO services are a perfect addition to our content marketing services.
  • Cost-per-click (CPC): Another factor to consider during keyword research is the CPC. By referencing this number, our team can determine the potential value of the keyword to your business, as well as to your competitors.
  • User intent: One of our most critical considerations during keyword research is the user intent. If you create content that doesn’t answer the user intent behind the keyword, then it won’t perform. That’s why our team investigates a keyword’s user intent in-depth.

Once we finish our keyword research, we move onto developing a content plan for you.

2. Content development

Next, our services focus on creating a content project management schedule. In this step, we build a content calendar for your strategy. We also establish a deadline for writing and delivering the content to your team for review.

The amount of content we develop depends on your content marketing services package:

  • If you have the basic plan, we develop three pieces of content each month
  • If you have the aggressive plan, we develop six pieces of content each month
  • If you have the market leader plan, we develop 10 pieces of content each month

Note, if you want your content marketing management services to include more than 10 pieces of content each month, you can always request a customized plan from our strategy team. Just contact them online or by phone at 801-601-5359 to chat!

During this stage, your dedicated account manager also provides you with a walkthrough of our preferred platform for project management. Feel free to ask them questions, and they’ll be happy to answer and help you troubleshoot any issues.

3. Content creation

A core part of our content marketing services is content creation.

With the expertise of our talented project managers, as well as specialized writers and graphic designers, we create multiple types of content, including long-form content, blog posts, infographics, online guides, voice optimized content, white papers, and more for your company’s strategy.

Every strategy is different too, based on your unique needs.

While a pharmaceutical company’s digital marketing strategy, for example, may focus on awareness and education, an ecommerce store’s may emphasize immediate action. These focuses can result in different content type, like video for a pharmaceutical brand and blog posts for an ecommerce business.

Our team of editors then review each piece of content to ensure it matches your branding standards. Once your dedicated account manager looks over your deliverables, they’ll forward them to your team for feedback.

If you have any requested changes, our team takes care of them fast.

4. Content optimizations

In addition to our writers optimizing your content for search, your dedicated account manager will too. For example, if you’re launching a piece of long-form content on your website, they create a compelling title tag and meta description for it.

The result is optimized content for not only users but also search engines. By optimizing your content for both parties, we provide your content the best foundation for success — meaning it will not only resonate with your target audience but also rank well in search results.

You’ll see content marketing, as well as SEO results with WebFX as your content marketing services provider.

5. Content promotion

In addition to content creation, our content marketing agency’s services also include content promotion. Our experienced network of industry influencers will work to distribute your content online — sharing it on sites and social platforms that matter most to your business.

Content promotion enables you to boost brand awareness, and it exposes more people to your message. As more people connect with your content online, you’ll reap the benefits of increased site traffic, conversions, and revenue.

We can also use paid strategies, like pay-per-click, to promote your owned media across the web. Social media advertising, for instance, is an excellent content marketing campaign strategy for content promotion.



6. Monthly reporting

We don’t stop after creating and promoting your content!

Our content marketing services include custom reporting that allows you to monitor your return on investment (ROI) and drive the best possible results from your marketing efforts.

As a part of our aggressive and market leader content marketing service packages, you receive a monthly content marketing strategy report. Your dedicated account manager compiles this report, which includes tons of helpful information you can share with your company’s decision makers.

No matter which tier of our content marketing management services you select, you will have access to insightful data. A few examples include an analysis of you and your competitors’ share of the market, as well as changes in your competitor’s websites.

Our clients have access to MarketingCloudFX, or proprietary marketing software, that allows you to easily track leads from your site content. If you find certain types of content or topics work well for your business, we’ll help you revise your content strategy to focus on creating content that has the highest impact.

By partnering with our full-service digital marketing agency, you don’t have to worry about creating this content. We develop and launch your content marketing strategy for you. Plus, we feature an experienced team of writers with backgrounds in manufacturing, retail, and a slew of other industries.

Keep reading to learn more about the pricing and deliverables for our services.

Facts about Content Creation

What you need to know about Content

of US adults are almost always online
10 %
the increase in conversions for content marketing
1 x
or more word articles get 3x more traffic, 4x more shares, and 3.5x more backlinks than shorter articles
of people say they’ve been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a video
40 %
of respondents in 2021 said they relied even more on content to inform purchases decisions than they did in 2020
10 %

Our Content Marketing services

A content driven strategy to achieve sustainable inbound links

Content Marketing Strategy

Content Marketing Strategy

Content needs to be strategically deployed. We are a full-service content marketing agency that covers planning, strategy, and deployment. Our content marketing services will increase your audience engagement and drive conversions.

Content Calendar Marketing

Content Marketing Calendar

Paid and Social Content

Social & Paid Content

Website Copy Content

Website Copy

Email Marketing

Email Marketing

Webinar Content

Webinar Content

eBook marketing

eBooks/White Papers



Get a free content marketing service quote

Are you ready to increase your revenue and build your consumer base with content marketing?

Ongoing Relationships

We value long-term relationships based on trust and freedom. We are available when you need help and always respond quickly. All of our work belongs to YOU. You and your staff will have access to add, edit of use content as you see fit. To end any of our subscription-based services, we only ask for 2 months’ notice to enable a smooth transition.


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 you can expect custom content that follows search engine optimization standards.


For businesses that want to reach their target audience with web marketing, content marketing is a must. Even if your company operates offline, the best content marketing services offer value. With a powerful content marketing strategy, you can connect with audiences a few blocks away or halfway around the world.

That connection leads to several noteworthy benefits, including:

Grow your business

Consumers use the Internet for everything, from posting videos of their cats and dogs to finding products for their new home. In addition, 80 percent of consumers use the Internet for researching services or products — and when it comes to local searches, those have increased by more than 500 percent in recent years.

If you want to grow your business, it’s not enough to use traditional marketing or advertising.

Online visibility is critical, which is where content marketing comes into use. With a strategic content marketing plan and our leading content marketing agency, you can connect with consumers in varying stages of your buying funnel.

With your content assets, such as long-form content, blog posts, or infographics, you can create top, middle, and bottom of the funnel content that guides users from one stage to the next. Eventually, they reach the bottom — and that’s when you see the purchases, quote requests, and calls.

The result? A business that’s growing, with zero signs of slowing down.

Build your brand awareness

Your brand is one of the most valuable things your company owns. It defines your business, as well as contributes to the retention and loyalty of your clients. It also influences their purchase decisions, which is why building brand awareness is imperative.

With our content marketing management services, you can increase awareness of your brand among your target audience. However, it takes time to build brand awareness. This is why content marketing is an ongoing strategy — just like search engine optimization (SEO).

A statistic on content marketing services and wallet share

Like SEO, content marketing delivers long-term revenue and brand awareness for your company. With increased brand awareness, you can expect more shoppers to choose your company when they’re ready to buy.

Why? For weeks, months, or maybe even years, you’ve provided them with high-quality, informative content. This quality content has provided value by answering their questions and offering them guidance.

Research also confirms that content marketing is a powerhouse when it comes to brand awareness. By building your brand and establishing brand loyalty, you can increase your wallet share up to nine times — that’s massive, especially in a competitive industry.

Increase your revenue

Another reason why companies invest in content marketing? Its rising conversion rate. Recent studies revealed that businesses with content marketing plans have conversion rates six times higher than businesses that bypass this digital marketing strategy.

If your monthly conversion rate is 35 percent, whether for product purchases, store visits, or newsletter sign-ups, a six-time increase would boost your conversion rate by two percent. That may seem like a small gain, but consider the average value of a new lead or the average spend of a customer.

A statistic on content marketing services and conversion rates

Better yet, think of your competition. With our competitive content marketing services, you gain a competitive edge in your marketplace. That edge helps your company earn more valuable leads and clients — limiting the growth of your competitors.

The result is a business that’s expanding its market share and revenues.

Reach your target audience

In today’s online world, consumers have a massive amount of power. They can block ads on their browsers, as well as choose which websites and companies they interact with online. That can make it difficult to reach your target audience via select marketing channels.

With our content strategy services, your business becomes an online hub for your ideal customer. By learning about your target audience, as well as researching their preferences and pain points, we build a competitive and thoughtful strategy that encourages them to read, interact, and share your content.

Content marketing also appeals to how modern consumers shop.

A graphic on a content marketing service statistic

When researching a product or service, shoppers read almost 12 pieces of contentbefore purchasing. While some of that content comes from non-competitor websites, such as an industry news site, users arrive on competing sites as they read more bottom of the funnel content.

With content marketing agency’s services, you can prevent that.

Our award-winning team will create a personalized strategy that includes not only bottom of the funnel content but also middle and top of the funnel content. That kind of strategy helps you connect with users in the early, middle, and later stages of the buying funnel.

Then, when your target audience makes their buying decision, it’s your company they choose.

Expand your consumer base

A lot of companies focus their business strategy on reaching bottom of the funnel (BOFU) customers. It’s understandable too — these consumers offer immediate results, which your team can then show to your company’s decision makers.

If you want to grow your business, though, you need to think about users in the earlier stages of your buying funnel. While they won’t call your company or purchase your product on the first day, they will respond to your calls-to-action (CTAs) at some point.


Before they buy, consumers want to learn about your business — but in a non-promotional way. In fact, 70 percent of users prefer getting to know a company through content, like articles or blog posts, rather than advertisements. 

As an example, think about someone researching a medical center for knee replacement surgery. Content can help them learn about the facility and staff, plus build a relationship with the facility before they even visit it for a consultation.

In comparison, an ad won’t create that kind of relationship. In fact, more than 70 percent of marketers find content marketing more effective than print ads, which is why medical content marketing matters so much to the healthcare sector.

By considering every step of your buying funnel in your company’s business and content marketing strategy, you have the potential to expand your consumer base. With a bigger following, you can boost the other benefits of content marketing, like increased conversions and brand awareness.

As your partner, you can trust WebFX to deliver those perks. With more than 20 years of experience and a team with a track record for creating innovative and results-driven content, we are the leading choice for top content marketing services.

Maximize your digital marketing ROI

With the ability to create a long-term source of revenue for your business, our digital marketing content services maximize your investment. With a bigger ROI, your company can reinvest in your online marketing strategies, as well as expand your business and its services.

While content marketing’s ROI varies, it does deliver better results than traditional marketing.

For example, it generates almost 55 percent more leads than traditional marketing. The best part is that our content marketing services focus on developing evergreen contentfor your business. This content attracts new consumers on a routine basis and stays relevant over time.

A statistic on content marketing services' lead generation

Another perk of content marketing, compared to traditional marketing, is that it costs 62 percent less. That increases your company’s return even more. Plus, it maximizes the results of your digital marketing strategy.

For our team, it’s critical that your business sees a return on your investment. That’s why we measure our success by the success of our clients’ content marketing campaigns.

Become an industry leader

When consumers research their next purchase, they search for information from reputable sources. With our content marketing management services, your business will become an industry-trusted source for your niche market.

That kind of reputation lends itself to several benefits, including:

  • People trust your company: When people trust your business, it’s an immense win. With compelling and informational content, your company can build that trust with users early — which can solidify your business as their top pick.
  • People share your content: With high-quality, high-value content, it’s natural for people to share it. By sharing your company’s content with friends, family, and coworkers, your business attracts the attention of people in your target audience.
  • People choose your company: The best benefit of becoming an industry-trusted source is the conversions. It becomes an easy decision for users to call your business, purchase your product, or visit your store because you are the best in the industry.

Like earning the number one position on the first page of search results for a high-value keyword in SEO, it takes time for your company to evolve into a recommended resource for the industry. That is why content marketing is an ongoing, long-term strategy.

As a result, it’s critical that you choose a trusted and reputable content marketing service provider, like WebFX. With our decades of experience, as well as dozens of reviews from satisfied clients, we’re the recommended choice for content marketing services that perform.

It’s a great question, and there are plenty of reasons to choose our content marketing services. Here’s why WebFX is a top content marketing company.

Decades of experience

We have more than 20 years of digital marketing experience, emphasizing that we’ve adapted to the fast-paced changes of the industry. Our decades of experience also demonstrate that we deliver results for our clients.

Personalized strategies

While some content marketing agencies serve “cookie-cutter” strategies, WebFX customizes your strategy. We understand that your business is unique, which is why our personalized services drive the results you’re looking for, like visits, purchases, and calls.

Dedicated account managers

As one of the Best Places to Work in PA, we feature a consistent team of dedicated account managers. By partnering your business with one of our hands-on account managers, we ensure you’re always greeted by a familiar face that knows not only your business but also you and your team.


We measure our success by your success — and we mean it. We’ve generated more than $2.4 billion in sales for clients, as well as more than 6.3 million high-value leads. These are real results, and they’ve given our clients the chance to grow their companies in whole new ways.

Their focus on ROI and their innate ability to communicate this information in a way that I understand has been the missing link with other digital marketing firms that I have used in the past.



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