Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

ppc management company

What is pay per click advertising?

We'll be your PPC management company on every channel for a holistic marketing approach.

PPC Management company

Increase your awareness and drive Sales

Backlink checker is Important for SEO

What is pay per click advertising?

Pay-per-click, or PPC, is a form of digital marketing in which the advertiser pays a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.  Essentially, PPC is paying for people visit your website.  

There are several forms of PPC, the most common being search PPC.  Search engine marketing is when you bid on keywords, or keyword strings, that you want your ad to come up for.  

If, for example, you wanted  your bed & breakfast in Finger Lakes to show up to in search results, you might bid on “B&B in the Finger Lakes” or “Romantic vacation in the Finger Lakes”

PPC is a way to get to the top of search results, that to reach organically might take time and investment in your website infrastructure.

Search engines, like Google and Bing, have increased the number of ad placements and prioritize them above organic results.

A solid PPC and SEO strategy can ensure that the customers that are looking for your goods or services can find you.

Having people find you

what does ppc stand for?

PPC, also known as pay-per-click, is a type of online advertising where the advertiser only pays if a potential customer “clicks” on their ad.  PPC doesn’t care how many times an ad is served, impressions.  Or how many conversions, actual sales, you receive.  So it’s all about making that click count, it’s your money after all.  

PPC is really opportunity advertising, in that, you can get your ad placed infront of people, whether they are the right people, at the right time, and you have the right product comes down to your digital marketing strategy.   The compelling and relevant your ad is the more likely it is that when someone “clicks” on it that they will convert.   You don’t want just anybody clicking on your ads.  Why?  They might have zero to low interest in your product.  You want to see engagement with PPC, but you want to see ROAS (Return-on-ad spend) more.

what is pay per click

What does Pay-per-click look like?

Here is an example of a Google search for "women's winter coats"
The top results are paid for ad placements for those keywords. For this type of item Google also has product placement ads with images (more on this later)

Website Development Desk Work

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An SEO check can tell you a lot about not only the search-ability of your website but also any technical issues that are hindering search engines ability to crawl your site.

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how to get backlinks, We'll make a plan for you

We’ll be your Google and Microsoft Partners

what Types of Backlinks are good?

Quality over quantity works every time when  it comes to incoming links.  In fact, backlinks from website with low domain or page authority can actually hurt your ranking in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages). One quality link is worth more than thousands of poor backlinks.  

Factors of Great inbound links

Facts about backlinks SEO

What you need to know about Inbound Links

of people said paid ads made it easier to find information online
10 %
more SEO backlinks the Top search results have than those below them
1 x
word blogs receive more incoming links on average than shorter blog posts
of top ranking pages in Google contain reciprocal links
10 %
more incoming for businesses that produce content pieces
10 %
Website Development Desk Work

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Our Approach to pay per click

We provide real-time management of your pay per click advertising on Google, Bing, Amazon and any other platform.

A linkable asset can be a blog post, a video, a download, an infographic; really just anything that people would find value in linking to.

Creating great content, incoming links and SEO are all tied closely together.  If you make great content, people will want to link to it.  

We employ a number of techniques to get your website and its content quality links.    

  • Consult with the expert, YOU, and research your audience and business
  • Create a PPC strategy with your goals in mind
  • Create ads and creative that will be targeted and drive conversions
  • Optimize and iterate your campaigns in real-time

Free Backlink Checker

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Our Pay Per Click services

A content driven strategy to achieve sustainable inbound links

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the whole shebang

Backlink Building

Inbound Links are a major factor in ranking higher in search results. They give your website creditability. The more links, of high value, the higher your page will rank. We can build links for you on websites related to your industry and business.

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Broken Link Building

Inbound Links are a major factor in ranking higher in search results. They give your website creditability. The more links, of high value, the higher your page will rank. We can build links for you on websites related to your industry and business.

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Link Roundups

Link roundups are blog websites that link out to full articles and/or content.

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Content Creation

Link roundups are blog websites that link out to full articles and/or content.

Learn More About Content Creation


If you'd like to discuss a PPC Strategy with us Please fill out the form and we will get back to you

  • List Title
  • When you use a search engine (Google) to look for something.
  • When you ask Alexa to find something.
  • A text or visual based ad

How we will set up a PPC campaign for you

Cloud availability

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Platform integration

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Bluetooth access

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Flag notices

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Edit notifications

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Silent mode

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