Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Google Ads Specialist

Best google ads agency

Let's look at how we can use Google Ads to drive traffic and revenue to your business.

Google Ads Specialist graphic

Google Ads Campaign

As your Google Ad Specialist, we’ll create a custom campaign just for you.

What is a google ad campaign?

A Google Ads campaign is a campaign run in a Google Ads Account.  Google Ads have changed a lot over the years.  They were originally called AdWords, a name since retired because Google Ads are a lot more than text-based advertising.  Though, that is how they started.  

Google Ads can be text ads, display ads, video ads, shopping campaigns, App campaigns, local campaigns, and smart campaigns. 

Google Ads can appear in Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, any Google owned property and millions of independent websites and apps.  They possible reach of Google Ads is immense.

Google Ad campaign can have several ad groups, each group has several  different ads that target a special demographic, geographic region, device type or other attributes.  You can use multiple ads for the same ad group.  The power of Google Ads is being able to target people that would most be interested in your products or services.

Campaign success with the right keywords

What are google Search ads?

The classic Google Ad, Search Ads are text ads based that appear based on the search query that a potential customer puts in the search bar.  

If you were selling umbrellas, you would want people to see your ad when they are searching for umbrellas on Google.  The actual text of the ad could include the word umbrella, but all of your keywords don’t have to appear in the ad.

Search ads are great for discovery!  You have people searching for your business or product based on the keywords you use, so you know they’re interested.  And if you pick the right keywords, have the right ads and have a positive customer journey, you’ll drive sales and leads.

Search Ads are highly targeted because of keywords!

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Free Google Ads Performance Checker

We  will conduct an analysis of your current Google Ads campaign.  Enter your information and we’ll get right back to you.

Google Ads logo

Drive Traffic to your website with targeted Google ads

Connecting you with the right audience 

what google display ads?

Display ads are visual placements that appear on websites and apps as people browse.  Display ads are great for awareness.  Ads can be similarly targeted to the audience that will be most responsive to your product or services.

Display Ads are great to visually introduce your business, product, or service to a new audience.  The creative options can be completely your own creation or we can use your photographs to create Smart Google Ads that will automate placement based on a variety of different factors.  

Google Ads Retargeting

Display Ads are also great to use to retarget people who have visited your website.  That’s right by using Google Ads and Google Analytics you can track and target people who visited your website. 

Google Ads Campaign Managment

Like many aspects of marketing, for example SEO, Google Ads require constant attention and fine-tuning.  Here are the steps we take with each of our clients.

Facts about Google Ads

What you need to know about Google Advertising

of all search queries in the US are from Google
10 %
of all Google searches are more than four words
10 %
the amount of search share controlled by Google
10 %
the amount of people percent of people, ages of 18–34, that can’t tell the difference between a Google ad and an organic result
10 %
better conversion performance from Google Ads over organic search
10 %
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Our Approach to Google Ads Management

Google Ads can be easy to set and forget.  Google does a tremendous job of automating, but you need to make sure your ads are optimized and that that traffic is resulting in a conversion.  A conversion could be a sale, a lead, a website visit.  A conversion is really any desired action you want a user to take.

As your Google Ad specialist, we do the heavy work of researching the best keywords for your business, design any creative, craft the ads, create a user journey, and track ROI.

  • Quality over quantity traffic
  • Higher click-trough rates (CTR)
  • Superior Search Rankings
  • Higher Google Quality Socring for Ads

What do Google Ads cost?

Google Ads are commonly priced as PPC, or pay-per-click.

The big question is, “What will it cost?”  On average, Google Search Ads can cost $1 to $2 per click.  While Display Ads tend to run around $1 per click.   

Specifically for your business, there are a lot of factors that will effect your ad spend. 

  • What is the competition in your Industry?
  • Is your competition bidding on the same keywords as you?
  • Is your competition targeting the same people?
  • What is your competition’s cost limit per click?

Google Ads tend to get a good ROI, 8:1, which means the average business earns $8 for every $1 they spend.  (Google Economic Impact Report, 2018)

Google Ads ipad

Our Google Ads Management services

Need Google Ads help? We're your Google Ads Specialist at Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

search ads

Google Search Ads

Google Shopping Ads
Badge Text

Google Shopping Campaigns

smart ad
Badge Text

Google Smart Campaigns

display ads 1

Google Display Ads

Link roundups are blog websites that link out to full articles and/or content.

google app campaigns
Badge Text

Google App Campaigns

Google Local Service Ads
Badge Text

Google Local Service Ads

video ads

Google Video Ads

Link roundups are blog websites that link out to full articles and/or content.

Google Local Campaigns
Badge Text

Google Local Campaigns

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