Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Digital Marketing Strategy Services

A digital marketing strategy isn't necessarily the same as a digital marketing plan. You need to have an overall strategy in place before you can map out a plan. There are a number of marketing tactics you can employ.
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There are three parts to your marketing strategy, planning, and execution

Creating a digital strategy with a great marketing agency

What is marketing strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is how you will market your business online in a way that achieves your goals.  There are a number of strategies you can employ from user-experience, search engine marketing, social media marketing, content marketing, inbound marketing and others.

As you can see there are many different marketing strategies you can use to reach potential customers.  Developing a strategy allows you to focus your attention and resources on the right marketing tactics directed at the right people

A Digital marketing strategy is a data driven venture.  Every business has lots of data on their customers, whether they realize or not.  Using this data is instrumental in developing a strategic plan.

Develop marketing tactics

what are digital marketing strategies?

We’ll look in-depth at the number of digital marketing tactics you can employ.   The best approach is to take those that best fit your business and not limit yourself to one at one time.


Content Marketing

Content Marketing Strategy really comes before you can do anything else.  A strong foundation of content will build the rest of your marketing strategies.  Creating engagement and excitement around your business is key to keeping customers loyal and attracting new ones.


Social MEdia Marketing

Social media marketing is a very dynamic strategy that relies not only on your strategy, but also incorporating your audience’s content a well.  

Using social media is an engagement and awareness tool.


PAid Marketing

Paid marketing strategies include Google Ads, Search and Display, paid social ads and any other paid activity. 

The benefit is that it can generate immediate awareness and sales, but comes at a higher cost.  We can structure a paid, PPC (pay per click) campaign that will lead to meaningful awareness, leads and conversions.


Web Development

Website development strategies include a lot more than just how your website looks.  We use a SWOT analysis, user testing for UI/UX (User Interface/User Experience), and competitor audit to identify areas of improvement and opportunity for your website.



SEO Strategies help build awareness around your brand and products.  SEO is important to drive visibility online.  An SEO strategy will help you identify which keywords are most important to your business, which will in-turn increase your search volume, traffic to your website, leads, and conversions.


Email Marketing

Email Marketing remains one of the strongest drivers of conversions.  Email, deployed strategically, can capture customers if different points in the buyer journey, with offers and information they want.


Word of Mouth

Word of Mouth Marketing really relies on the strength of your brand and your communications of your core brand promises.  Word of Mouth is the most powerful marketing, but it requires you to be customer-centric in all dealings with customers.


Marketing Plan

No strategy can work without a plan, otherwise you are just trying what you think might work without any way to verify its success.  A marketing Plan provides you a roadmap of where you want to take your business.


OmniChannel Marketing

Omnichannel marketing is an integrated approach to all of your interactions with customers.  It’s making sure they receive the same brand messaging, though not the same messaging, across channels and platforms. To create a consistent and positive brand experience.

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In digital marketing, having a solid framework for your strategy is essential.  A good strategy requires knowledge in a specific number of fields to be successful.  We have the resources, skills, and knowledge to craft a winning marketing strategy for all of your digital assets. 

Marketing Flywheel of Customer Engagement

An understanding of the marketing funnel or marketing flywheel, you can understand the motivations behind your customer’s purchase decisions.  This informs you of how to engage, inform, and delight customers to keep your business top of mind.

A great marketing firm can help you

We'll create a marketing strategy plan for you

There are certain things you need to execute a winning strategy; these include SMART goals, a SWOT analysis, buyer personas, and market segmentation.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.  This analysis is a great way to take an introspective look at your business.  What are you good at?  What aren’t you so good at?  Where can your business grow? And what are your competitors doing?  

SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

SMART Goals allow you to plan in advance, a clear, structured, and  meaningful marketing plan.  You will walk away with an understanding of what your objectives are.  You’ll be able to tell what success should look it and are these goals achievable, realistic and relevant to your business. These goals also have to be tied to some timeframe, otherwise it will be impossible to implement a strategy if there is no end in sight.


Smart Goals

Facts about Strategy

What you need to know about web marketing strategy

the number of seconds the average customer attention span is
the factor by which people would prefer to watch video over reading to learn about a prod
1 x
word blogs receive more incoming links on average than shorter blog posts
of top ranking pages in Google contain reciprocal links
10 %
more incoming for businesses that produce content pieces
10 %
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Our marketing Approach to strategy

We look at your current audience or customer base and segment them into targeted customer personas.

Developing a strategy early on helps prevent costly mistakes further on down the road.  Using SMART Goals, a SWOT Analysis, and buyer personas help you best utilize your resources.

We develop a holistic marketing strategy to get the most out of your marketing strategy.  Your business is unique and you need a personalized marketing strategy plan for your business.

Without a strategy you could be missing out on lots of opportunities.  Marketing is always changing and the best tools today might not be the best ones tomorrow.  Developing a broad strategy lets you look at the big picture, and not just the channel you’re using like email marketing or Facebook ads.

Having an agile approach to your strategy means you’ll be open to new ways about connecting with your audience.  In the end, that’s what a digital marketing strategy is all about, building relationships people.

Here are just a few of the things you can accomplish with a solid strategy:

  • Determine market Opportunities
  • Deliver more personalized messages
  • Generate more conversions
  • Create more targeted engagement
  • Reach a bigger audience
  • Optimize resources
  • Build awareness
  • Build your brand
  • Accomplish your goals
  • Be more competitive

make sure your website works before implementing online marketing strategies

If you have an established business or organization, Oor SEO check can give you a good sense of where you need to start with your marketing strategy.  We’ll tell you a lot about the searchability and structure of your website.

Our Digital Marketing Strategy services

Marketing is a 24/7 business, we'll help you leverage those opportunities with great planning and execution as your digital marketing strategy agency.

Digital Marketing Strategy

Digital Marketing Strategy Plan

Paid Media Marketing

Paid Marketing SERVICES

Everything from PPC, Google Ads, Social Media Ads and more.

content marketing

Content Marketing

Give people a reason to engage your brand with content marketing that is off the hook.

Website Development

Website Development Services

A website is key to delivering a stellar expeirence and the most valuable part of your digital marketing

SEO Services

SEO Services

Great SEO makes sure that your website is able to be found on the internet and drives traffic to you.

social media marketing services

Social Media Strategy

Social is key to any strategy, everyone is on some platform, make sure you are connecting with them.


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