Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

YouTube Marketing Services

YouTube Advertising Agency

Let's look at how you can grow your youtube ad revenue.

YouTube Marketing Services

We'll show you how to get your ads on youtube

We are a full-service YouTube advertising agency

YouTube marketing

YouTube is an enormous platform globally.  Using YouTube marketing you can increase your businesses’ brand awareness, marketing reach and drive conversions.  

We will create a dynamic YouTube ad campaign that is engaging to potential customers and grows your brand and revenue. 

We will also develop a YouTube content that will engage your customers, grow your brand, and your subscribers. 

Video is the top performing content online.  Our YouTube marketing agency creates compelling video.  We believe in creating strong owned content on YouTube, before you begin advertising.

We’ll be your YouTube Agency

How to advertise on youtube?

YouTube is the second-largest search engine in the world, after Google.  YouTube is a discovery platform, which makes it great for growing brand awareness.  Also, being able to advertise on channels similar to your own business or verticals increases  lead gen and sales.

Video is the top performing content online.  Our YouTube marketing agency creates compelling video.  It’s not enough to just create video; you need to understand your target audience and what resonants with them.  Video marketing trends are always changing as well as consumer demographics.  

We stay ahead of digital trends to be able to help you craft both ads and original content that will perform and deliver you an ROI. 

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Facts about YouTube

What you need to know about youtube marketing

of US adults use YouTube, making it the most popular online platform
10 %
the number of minutes an average US adult sepnds on YouTube daily
of people use YouTube to exercise
10 %
of B2B decision makers use YouTube to inform purchase decisions
10 %
of people bought from a brand after viewing it on youtube
10 %
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Our Approach to YouTube Advertising Services

YouTube has a massive audience, which makes it an ideal platform to advertise on. When considering YouTube advertising, you want to consider the factors in why it’s such a great platform.

YouTube is an actively engaged audience that people use regularly.  YouTube is the most viewed video platform on the planet.  Netflix comes in a distant second.

The average mobile user spends 40 minutes viewing content every time they visit YouTube.  This is a tremendous amount of time for a captive audience.   The benefit with YouTube advertising is being able to tie your content with an audience and videos that might be most receptive.

Videos are the most  popular form of content

Viewers are far more likely to engage with video content than other forms, over a text based post by a factor of 10.  And YouTube is all video.

With YouTube ads you can reach and engage your target audience.  Even if you aren’t advertising on YouTube, you should at least be posting there.  YouTube videos are very shareable content that can be shared across platforms and create a lot of organic reach, if properly executed. 

And if you are advertising on a video with complimentary  content, when that video is shared you will reap the benefits of a similar audience viewing your ad.

Youtube marketing experts

quality of traffic Organic results quantity of traffic Keywords

If you don’t know where to start with YouTube advertising or content strategy, that’s where we come in.  Building awareness and driving conversions is a great reason to invest in YouTube advertising. 

We can create ads and target your audience segments to ensure they know who you, what you sell, and why you’re selling it.  Plus, they are a lot of fun.

If you are already a video content creator, we can help you build awareness with targeted strategies to increase engagement and reach.  Our YouTube advertising company is about building your brand.


YouTube Content Strategy

How to use youtube for marketing

If you are already a video content creator, we can help you build awareness with targeted strategies to increase engagement and reach.  Our YouTube advertising company is about building your brand and having some fun too.

How to get views on youtube

How to get more views on youtube

Getting views on YouTube is about creating compelling content.  Content can take lots of different forms when it comes to video.  Video can be for educational purposes, entertainment, commentary, tutorial, testimonies.  The key to getting more views is to understand your audience and know what kind of content they are interested in.  Developing a content marketing strategy and fitting YouTube into that strategy is key. 

Targeting and paid ads can help expand your viewership. But organic reach is your longterm approach.  That’s why you want to create content is fun for people to watch, interests them, and is timely.

Alternatively, showing people using your products or services, depending on the use case, can be something that people are searching for a video on.  Think of how popular unboxing videos are!

YouTube is a channel that people go to to find information before a purchasing decision.  So your presence on YouTube could sway potential customers if you provide honest information about your goods and services, on their own or compared to competitors.

Leveraging influencers to mention your brand or post reviews can give your business a real shot in the arm.

how to get subscribers on youtube

how to get more youtube subscribers

Creating awesome content is the only surefire way to grow your subscriber base.  You don’t want to purchase YouTube subscribers.  They might make you feel good, but paying for subscribers or views does nothing to help your business.    

It can be challenging to be creative, and even more challenging to figure out what content will resonate with your target audience.  That’s why we will look at your target audience, your competitors, and come up with ideas and produce videos that connect with people and promote your brand.

YouTube, like a social media, is about engagement.  engagement videos, you can get your audience interested in your social media content.

Having a professional shot video with a professional actor that is a good fit for your brand is key to engagement.  We ensure that your videos are inline with your overall brand development.  All of your content should work together even if the individual pieces of content vary from channel to channel.

Videos are a great way to engage your audience online and convey your brand messaging and highlight your products and services.  You can also show what makes you different, your brand promise, answer questions, create a podcast, make announcements, provide special offers, and drive conversions.

Our Youtube marketing plans

We'll show you how to get ads on Youtube

Woman creating YouTube Video ad
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Video Content Creation

youtube video creation
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Youtube Ad Campaigns

YouTube Ad Campaign Packages
YouTube ad campagins
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YouTube Content Strategy

You don’t have time to advertise

When you’re busy running your business, you don’t always have time to run a YouTube ad campaign. You must focus on the daily operations of your business. This doesn’t mean you must forego the benefits of running a YouTube advertising campaign.

Instead, you can rely on our YouTube advertising company to run your ad campaign. We have the knowledge and expertise to help you run a successful campaign. In fact, our knowledge and expertise have allowed us to drive over $2.4 billion in sales over 6.3 million leads for our clients in the past five years.

You can worry about running your business while our YouTube advertising company works on your campaign. It allows you to get the best of both worlds.

You don’t know how to start a YouTube ad campaign

Many businesses don’t know where to start with a YouTube ad campaign.

You know you want to run a campaign, but you aren’t sure how to start one, how to properly optimize your videos, or how to monitor the results of your campaign. This is where our agency can help.

We have experience running YouTube advertising campaigns and will know how to help you run a successful campaign. You won’t stress out about having to learn YouTube’s inner workings.

Need video for your YouTube ads? Check out our video production services!

While our YouTube advertising services focus on turning your existing video content into advertisements, we also offer video production services to help you create fresh ad content.

These services, separate from our YouTube ad services, include:


WebFX is your YouTube advertising expert

YouTube’s growth and popularity provide your business with an unmatched opportunity to reach new and valuable leads. You’ll help your business grow by investing in professional YouTube advertising services.

At WebFX, we have years of experience creating video marketing campaigns that drive results for our clients. We know how to create customized YouTube advertising campaigns that help your business grow.

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