Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Google Ad Manager how to monetize a website

Google Ad Manager for a long time was called DoubleClick for Publishers, before its acquisition in 2008.  This isn’t Google ads, a completely different service, which we also offer services for.
Google Ad Manager graphic

Google Ad Manager  is a fully-integrate advertising platform 

What is Google Ad Manager

Not what is commonly referred to as Google Ads.  Google Ad Manager is part of Google Marketing Platform intended for large scale publishers.  If you are looking to promote your own business Google Ads is the place for you.  If you are looking to have ads on your website on a small scale Adsense is probably for you. 

Google Ad Manager, the free version and Google Ad Manager 360, combine what was formerly know as DoubleClick for Publishers and Google Ad Exchange.  If you are directly selling ad space on your website to other businesses, this is really the platform meant for you.

The benefits to using Google Ad Manager are multiple 

Managing all your online advertising from a single platform

Benefits of Google Ad Manager for large publishers

You can provide seamless control of what your audience sees across channels.  Not only will have more access to advertisers, you will also be able to directly sell ad placements.  These ad units create your inventory which you can then combine with other integrations, such as Adsense, to maximize revenue.

You can create your own custom deals with advertisers to sell their ads in your spaces online.  For example, you could negotiate with another business to sell banner space on your website and guarantee X number of impressions or X number of clicks, it’s entirely up to you how you want to structure the deal.

Google Ad Manager offers greater flexibility with more insights and data-driven optimization.  

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Sell your ad space directly

what kinds of ads can you sell on Google Ad Manager

You can combine all of your data and analytics to provide more information to your advertisers about how their ads are performing.  There are several different ad types available on Google Ad Manager and Google Ad Manager 360.

Two ad options are very interesting options to offer advertisers, native and reward ads.  There are several ad formats you might recognize from other platforms, such as display and video.

Native Ad Placement

Native ads, auto-created in Google Ad Manager, will appear as part of the native content on your website.  Native content has proven to be more effective at conversions that traditional display ads.

Reward Ad Placement

Reward ads are those ads that offer the user some sort of reward for watching them.  These are great for engagement especially if the ad content is targeted to the audience of the website it appears on.

Facts about backlinks SEO

What you need to know about Inbound Links

of all search queries in the US are from Google
10 %
of all Google searches are more than four words
10 %
the amount of search share controlled by Google
10 %
the amount of people percent of people, ages of 18–34, that can’t tell the difference between a Google ad and an organic result
10 %
better conversion performance from Google Ads over organic search
10 %
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Our Approach to Google Ads Management

Google Ads can be easy to set and forget.  Google does a tremendous job of automating, but you need to make sure your ads are optimized and that that traffic is resulting in a conversion.  A conversion could be a sale, a lead, a website visit.  A conversion is really any desired action you want a user to take.

As your Google Ad specialist, we do the heavy work of researching the best keywords for your business, design any creative, craft the ads, create a user journey, and track ROI.

  • Quality over quantity traffic
  • Higher click-trough rates (CTR)
  • Superior Search Rankings
  • Higher Google Quality Socring for Ads

What can you earn from GAM?

Depneding on your integrations, such as Google Adsense, the money you can earn will largely depend on the traffic to your website, that’s why Google Ad Manager is ideal for larger trafficked websites.

In terms of relationships with advertisers you work with, the money you can earn largely depends on the analytic and ROI you give to a potential advertiser. 

We can create a compelling analytics report to show advertisers to show the value of advertising on your website. 

Google Ads ipad

Our Google Ad Manager services

We can help you sell space on your website directly to advertisers to earn more

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Google Shopping Campaigns

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Google Smart Campaigns

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Google Display Ads

Link roundups are blog websites that link out to full articles and/or content.

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Google App Campaigns

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Google Video Ads

Link roundups are blog websites that link out to full articles and/or content.

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Google Local Campaigns

Because of the highly involved/complex nature of Google Ad Manager, please get in-touch with us so we can customize a package for you

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