Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

10 SEO Strategies to Drive Website Traffic

Outlines the top ten SEO strategies you can deploy on your website, on-site strategies as well as some off-site optimization tips.
SEO Strategies Diagram

The goal of any SEO strategies you employ should be to have your website appear higher in organic search results.  What are organic search results?  When you type something into a search engine, like Google or Bing, the SERP (Search Engine Results Page) gives you what it thinks are the most relevant results to your query.  Your goal is to get your website as high up as you can.  We can do that in a variety of ways.

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Don't be intimidated !

On page SEO Strategies ensure that the keywords you want to rank for are visible on your website and more importantly, that search engines can find them.

What is SEO

What does SEO stand for?

- Search Engine Optimization

There are two different kinds of SEO, on page optimization and off page optimization. We'll look at both.

Mobile Friendly

We will accomplish this through a variety of on-site and off-site optimization strategies. Making the website mobile friendly will increase performance and will allow Google to properly index it. In 2018, Google announced mobile first indexing, which means websites are penalized in search results for not being mobile friendly.

mobile friendly

The first step to improve SEO is make it mobile friendly

Meta Tags

Adding meta tags, snippets of a page’s content which do not appear on the page, allow search engines to see what the web page is about. Many websites do not have any meta tag descriptors. For as much structure as you see on a webpage; there is just as much structure that you cannot see.

Meta Tags

An easy way on how to improve seo is with meta tags

Anchor Text

Anchor text are clickable hyperlink on pages that help guide people to related content. These anchor texts should be relevant words to where you want your user to go. Your webpages should interact with each other. This helps people find what they need and makes your website easier to navigate. 

Anchor Text

One of the SEO basics is to include anchor text


The robots.txt file, also known as the robots exclusion protocol or standard, the text file that tells search engines which pages on your site to crawl, this way we can make pages that are not part of our SEO strategy to not be crawled.  Essentially making them hidden to the search engine.


Hiding pages you don't want crawled is a solid SEO digital marketing strategy

Title Tags

Many website do not have title tags, or the correct tagging. Each page should have one H1 (Header 1).  Search engines read this as being the main topic of the page.  H2, H3, H4 and so on are ranked in terms of their importance.  Adding these makes it so search engines know what each page is about.  You wouldn’t have written a term paper without a title; same should go for every webpage.

title tags

Part of SEO keyword ranking is to make sure your important terms are in the right header tags


A sitemap enables search engines to better crawl the website by outlining the hierarchy and organization of the website. Sitemaps are easy to create.  Think of it as the glossary at the end of a book. Google is a great place to get started with how to create and submit a sitemap.

site map

The importance of SEO sitemaps can't be underestimated, plus they are easy to make

Canonical Tags

Canonical tags tell search engines which URL is the master copy of a page. This prevents problems with identical content appearing on multiple URLs. Additional we should remove pages that result in a 404 error, that the page does not exist, which will also improve searchability.

One of the easiest SEO tips is to make sure you aren't repeating content

SEO Strategies Diagram

Share Image On social

Off-site SEO strategies employs a variety of tools to make sure that your website is visible.


Creating backlinks, a link one website gets from another website, through partnerships and collaboration, as well as posting links to the website on social media. SEMRUSH is a great website to use to identify your current backlinks and those of your competitors.  

link building

One of the easiest SEO tips is to make sure you aren't repeating content

Directory Submissions

Directory submission would be to make sure content is up-to-date in any online directory, Google My Business Listing for example. has a great tool to check your business’s local digital presence.

Engagement and Sharing

You should also make sure you are getting your website out there.  This strategy includes posting on forums, blogs, issuing press releases and being very active on social media.

If these SEO Strategies seem overwhelming; don’t fret. Take them one at a time.  There are a lot of useful tools out there.  Or you can always contact us for advice or try our Free Website Report. 

engagement and sharing

One of the easiest SEO tips is to make sure you aren't repeating content


FREE Website Report

If you are interested in having a digital audit of your business or organization; check out our free website report;  The report is yours regardless of whether or not we work together.  Or check out the services we provide. 

Free Website ReportOur Services
Picture of Matt Beauchesne

Matt Beauchesne

Matt is a co-founding partner of Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio. He has spent the last ten years in marketing.

About Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

We are digital marketing company that focuses on website design, social integration and content creation.

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