Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

In the 44th episode of the GDMS Marketing Podcast, we discuss Law Firm Marketing with Allyson McAndrews, M.Ed., Director of Marketing at McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, and Ryan P.C. on effective tools for law firm marketing.
Episode 44 Cover - Law Firm Marketing with Allyson McAndrews

Law Firm Marketing with Allyson McAndrews

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In the 44th episode of the GDMS Marketing Podcast, we discuss Law Firm Marketing with Allyson McAndrews, M.Ed., Director of Marketing at McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, and Ryan P.C.
In this episode we discuss:
✅ Challenges and Opportunities with Law Firm Marketing
✅ Using relationships to build Brand Awareness
✅ How to create Content for the right audience

We also discuss the following:

  • Covert Brand Marketing on Social Media with SunnyD
  • How a TikTok viral video can create brand awareness
  • How to create brand opportunities with user generated content 

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What is Law firm marketing?

Law firm MARKETING Definition

Law firm marketing is the use of multiple digital and physical strategies to attract new potential clients to your law firm.

Law firm marketing is regulated by state court and bar association rules.

Marketers need to be aware of these rules and regulations or run the risk of getting in trouble with the law.

Digital Marketing Strategies Include:

  • Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • Social Media
  • Blog Posts
  • Videos
  • Digital Ads
  • Target Ads

Traditional Strategies Include:

  • Print Ads
  • Conferences
  • TV Commericals
  • Bill Boards
  • Educational Content 

A healthy modern marketing plan will include a healthy mixture of both traditional and digital strategies.  

How heavy a company leans into traditional or digital strategies depends on their budget constraints.

In-depth INterview with Allyson McAndrews, M.Ed., Director of Marketing at McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, and Ryan P.C.on Law Firm Marketing

Law Firm Marketing for your Firm

Our interview this week was Allyson McAndrews, Director of Marketing at MMCHR Law Firm. In the interview, we discussed the Law Firm Marketing and marketing using social media along with:

  • Allyson discusses what she was doing before she started at  McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, and Ryan P.C.
  • Allyson describes her role at  McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, and Ryan P.C.
  • She discusses the challenges with doing marketing for a law firm
  • Allyson discusses the rules and regulations around Law Firm Marketing
  • Allyson discusses her audience and how she determines the effectiveness of her marketing efforts
  • She discusses what social media channels she finds most effective
  • Allyson writes a ton of articles, posts, and newsletters.  She gives advice to people that struggle with writing winning content
  • Allyson discusses the key to making content emotionally resonate with potential clients
  • She discusses how she gauges success and the data she interprets to determine that success
  • Ally’s discusses his favorite A list horror film (good quality horror film) and D list horror film (Terribly made horror film, but you are going to watch it either way)
  • Ally’s tells us his favorite sports moment

glorious marketing of the week
Digital Advertising

A lot of brands effectively use social media to create authentic or authentic seeming product placements. We discussed a viral TikTok cooking video that features one product prominently; SunnyD.

We discuss whether we think it is a genuine video, illustrating fervent brand loyalty or an intentional product placement. Watch the video and see what you think.

The video depicts a man cooking outside using massive amounts of SunnyD

Should brands take more advantage of user generated content to promote their products.  

Allyson Mcandrews

Ally Circle

Al, Allyson McAndrews, Director of Marketing at McAndrews, Mehalick, Connolly, Hulse, and Ryan P.C.

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About Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

We are digital marketing company that focuses on website design, social integration and content creation.

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