Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

How to delete a Google review? It's not always easy, but it's also not the end of the world. Your response will say a lot about you and your business, so you better do it right.
How to delete a google review

If you're asking yourself "how do I delete a google review" You're not alone

The simple answer to the query, how to delete a Google review, is that it won’t be easy and it’s not always advisable to try.  Let’s explore the options available to you and your general concerns with negative Google Reviews left on your Google My Business listing.

google my business reviews

No one likes when their business is criticized; whether the negative comment is legitimate or not.  Online review platforms, like Google Reviews, are meant to give an unbiased assessment of a business.  Do people abuse this? absolutely.  

People will leave, what you might determine as exaggerated or unfair reviews for your business.  Everyone gets a bad review, even the most vigilant business that does everything to ensure every customer leaves happy, will still end up with negative reviews.

Why are Google business reviews important?

Google is the world’s most powerful search engine, and many people will see your Google My Business listing before they see your website.  As a business, you can see the monthly traffic to your listing in general.  People do read the reviews.

And you want reviews, lots of them, the more the better.  You should actively engage your customers to leave reviews.  Post signs on the register, follow up with an email after a transaction.  Don’t ask for a positive review, ask for an honest review.

The number of reviews your business has gives it credibility when it comes to Google.  Do negative reviews impact your business from a search perspective? Not Really!  

Negative reviews are not as bad as you think

Negative reviews give your business legitimacy.  If every review was five-stars and glowing, what would you think?  Certainly that something wasn’t right.

Too many positive reviews can make it look fake, and unfortunately people do buy reviews, which you should never do for a number of reasons.

do not ever buy google reviews ( we can't stress how bad this is)

Buying reviews, if Google’s algorithms suspect this, can degrade your listings rankings and in some cases can cause a suspension. So never buy reviews.  Also, buying fake reviews are not going to fool anyone.  

If your business is getting too many negative reviews, it’s better to invest the time and money in to figuring out the core reasons for those reviews.

turn the negative into a positive, instead of trying to remove google review

Negative reviews are an opportunity to address a customer’s concerns.  Always respond to negative reviews, actually you should respond to every review you get on any channel.  

Responding to every review will tell a customer more about your business than any negative review.

Respond honestly and not combatively, a customer took the time to write a review, you should take the time to respond.

Positive reviews are easy to respond to, negative ones take a bit more thought.  If you or your employees are at fault own the mistake and try to make it right with the customer.  Ask them if they would like to speak with you, how you can improve, or steps you are taking to make sure that experience never happens again.

Personalize your response

Do not use the same copy-and-paste response for each review.  Make it as personal as you can, if you recall the customer interaction or if it is in reference to a particular good or service comment on what you can.

Once you get data on your customer, you can analyze and see what products they purchased and then be able to send them promotions on those products to bring them back in the future.

Customer Complaints are your #1 customer service concern

Some negative reviews will be based on real concerns, others will be people trolling you.  Trolling negative reviews can be challenging to deal with.  

Especially if they are of the viral nature where people heard something about your business, true or false, that prompts them to leave negative reviews even if they have never been to your business or purchased your products.   

Even with viral negative reviews, your response will illustrate how your business handles customers.  Decide on an action plan beforehand, so you’re not sitting around as negative reviews come in.

People value authenticity.  And if you respond with authenticity, people will respect your business for that. People look at reviews as the worst case scenario.  

If they know that you will respond and care about them as a customer, it will reassures them that if something happens you’ll make it right.  

Every business makes mistakes with customer service.  Customers know this, but they also want to know what you’ll do to fix it.

can you delete google reviews?

Google does allow for removal of reviews that violate its policies.  And you should request a removal if you believe that the review is in violation of those policies.  

How to Delete a Google Review?

If you believe a review is in violation of these policies, flag it by going to the review and clicking on the vertically aligned ellipsis.

Fiag it Image for How to Delete a Google Review?

Then you can select the reason  you believe the review should be removed.  You can also submit a request if you believe for some legal reason the content should be removed.

Pick a Reason image on How to Delete a Google Review?

If that does not work.  You can also contact Google via email.  You can explain why you believe the review or reviews should be removed.  Google also links to some other helpful links.

How to contact Google about a negative review image

You might see that Google does have resources for fake negative views.  These type of reviews are an issue, as we discussed before with viral moments fueling a lot of negative reviews quickly.  If there is some external force causing you to have negative reviews, explain it to Google, they will always get back to you.

Conclusion: Can i delete a google review?

In the end, a few negative reviews will not impact your business.  How you respond will.  Take the time to listen to your customers and address their concerns.  Take an approach that is authentic to you and your brand.  

If it’s humor, seriousness  or something else make sure it represents what you want your current customers and future customers to see.  Hopefully this article gives some usable advice on how to delete a Google review.

How can i delete a review on google? the better question is how do I respond to negative reviews

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