Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

How can Google Ads help you advance your business goals?

How can Google Ads help you advance your business goals? They can build awareness of your business, products, or services and drive conversions.
How can Google Ads help you advance your Business Goals? Graphic

How can Google Ads help you advance your business goals?

Google Ads are great for advancing your business in a number of ways.

How does Google describe their ad platform:

What Google is really saying is that through their wide-reaching audience networks, you can build awareness and consideration of your business broadly, and your products and services more specifically. 

how does google ads work?

Now that we know what Google Ads are, we need to identify what types of Google Ads are available in order to identify which will best help your business the most.

Google Ads have changed a lot over the years.  The platform  was originally called AdWords, a name since retired because Google Ads are a lot more than text-based advertising.  Though, that is how they started.  Google Ads can be text ads, display ads, video ads, shopping campaigns, App campaigns, local campaigns, and smart campaigns. 

Google Ads can appear in Gmail, YouTube, Google Maps, any Google owned property and millions of independent websites and apps.  They possible reach of Google Ads is immense.

create google ads

Although there are video ads, shopping campaigns, App campaigns, local campaigns, and smart campaigns, the two most common ads are search and display.

Search Ads

Search Ads are text ads based that appear based on the search query a person puts in the search bar.  If you were selling mittens, you would want people to see your ad when they are searching for mittens on Google.  The actual text of the ad could include the word mittens, but all of your keywords don't have to appear in the ad.

Display Ads

Display ads are visual placements that appear on websites and apps as people browse. These ads can be targeted to the audience that will be most responsive to your product or services, based on visits to your website (remarketing), their search history, geography or a number of other factors.

google display ads examples

PPC phone 2
PPC phone 2 min 1

ppc services

Google Ads are the most common type of PPC (pay-per-click) advertising online.  Although there are other ways in which to place a bid, for impressions, or leads for example. 

Google Ad Extensions

Extensions are a great way to increase the action you want someone to take.  Extensions include tap to call buttons, sitselinks, location information, lead forms and more.


how much do google ads cost?

PPC (pay-per-click) means that every time some clicks on your ad, you’re charged.   On average, Google Search Ads can cost $1 to $2 per click.  While Display Ads tend to run around $1 per click.   

There are many factors that could effect your ad spend.  Competition in your geographic market, who else is bidding on the same keywords as you, and is your competition targeting the same people.

What you and your competition are willing to pay for a click will also impact the effectiveness of your ad.  Too low a bid and your ad won’t show, too high and you’ll be paying a lot for a lead, which might not make sense for your ROI.  You wouldn’t want  to pay $10 per click if your average product cost $5.

How can Google Ads help you advance your Business Goals?

Google Ads are great for building awareness for your business, products or services.  You might be selling something that makes it difficult for your website to rank in organic search, which is effected by your website’s SEO.  Paid Google Ads allow you to jump ahead of the organic search results and display near the top of search.

Google Ads are great for conversions and generating leads.  Because someone is either searching for your keywords (search ads) or has viewed or expressed an industry in your keywords (display ads), they are already an interested consumer.  If someone is searching for “hardwood furniture for sale”, there is a clear intent that this person is further down the marketing funnel in making a purchase.

gym search results ads

Search Results for “Gym Memberships”

Google Ads Management

All of your ads can be managed in the Google Ads Manager.  Google has automated many of these functions, but that doesn’t mean the Google Ads is a set once and done.  Google Ads need constant attention.

Google Ads Help

There are lots of resources online that can help you with your Google Ads, including Google itself, with provides a variety of training tools through their Google Skillshop.  Additionally, there are many great services that will manage your Google Ads for you, including us!

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