Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

What is Digitalization? Theater with Alyssa Cole

We also had an in-depth interview with the Marketing Associate of The Wilma Theater, Alyssa Cole in which we discussed: - Digitization of Theater during the Pandemic - Reaching new markets/demographics through digitization - Creating new revenue streams that will stay after COVID- - Where she sees technology changing the theater world in the future.
Digitization of Theater with Alyssa Cole Podcast Cover

What is Digitalization? Theater with Alyssa Cole

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In the 6th Episode of the GDMS Podcast, we have an in-depth interview with Alyssa Cole to discuss the Digitization of Theater.  We also discuss the following:

  • Being aware of conversations on Social Media that revolve around your business
  • Memes/Gifs revolving around Space Force since it is perceived they ripped off both Start Trek and now Marvel
  • Email marketing tactics

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We also had an in-depth interview with the Marketing Associate of The Wilma Theater, Alyssa Cole in which we discussed:

  • Digitization of Theater during the Pandemic
  • Reaching new markets/demographics through digitization
  • Creating new revenue streams that will stay after COVID
  • Where she sees technology changing the theater world in the future.

define digitization: the digitization process

Gartner’s IT Glossary defines “Digitization (as) the process of changing from analog to digital form.”  This definition helps explains that digitization is just about how business process and communicate information.  For example, when business used to keep physical receipts or invoice and then moved to digital copies, this is an example of digitization.  It’s a change in how information is collected, used and stored, but does not change, fundamentally, how a business operates.

digitization vs digitalization

Digitalization is a transformative process for a business.  Many business have moved towards digitization, which is the process of converting data and other information to digital platforms.  You can think of this as online ticketing systems, websites, and other customer relationship management tools.

What is digitalization?

Digitalization is a business model that utilizes digital technologies to change the way a business operates.  This transformation enables a business to reach new customers, deliver new goods and services and to create a stronger bond with it’s audience.  

digitalization definition

Digitalization is the digital transformation of business.  This definition might seem ambiguous, and it is. What this really means is businesses embracing digital technologies.  Changing how we do business.  We can think about this as sales people engaging leads of LinkedIn or  email marketing.  The tools that we use that change how we do business.  This is all part of digital transformation.

digitalization of business

Digitalization is challenging for many businesses and organizations.  Cost, expertise, and employee buy-in are all factors making digitalization difficult.  It really comes down to changing how you think about doing business and your interactions with your customers

And digitalization is the first step in the digital transformation process. This transformation is important for all businesses. Creating the integration of digital technology into segments and departments of a business can be challenging at times and that’s why the most agile businesses are the most successful at this.

Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is not the simple implement of digital technologies or using digital platforms.

Digital Transformation is a strategic approach that spans across departments in an organization, in addition to implement digital technologies.

Digital transformation encompasses many digitalization initiatives.  The goal is create a business that is better equipped to use technology to engage and serve customers.  Digital Transformation is all about a customer-centered strategy.

What is digitalization

SPACE FOrce memes and gifs

Alyssa Cole

Alyssa Cole
Picture of admin


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We are digital marketing company that focuses on website design, social integration and content creation.

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