Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

In this episode of the GDMS podcast, we have an in-depth interview with Sunil Misra, CEO of Emtec and Professor at Temple University in which we discussed the keys to becoming a disruptor as a business. We also discuss how effective the KFC 4k gaming console is as a marketing gimmick and advertisement.
SystemsThinking with Sunil Misra
Digitization of Theater with Alyssa Cole Podcast Cover

Systems Thinking with Sunil Misra

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In the 11th Episode of the GDMS Podcast, we have an in-depth interview with Sunil Misra in which we discuss Systems Thinking and how important it is to Digital Marketing.  We also discuss the following:

  • The effectiveness of the KFC 4k Gaming Console with
  • How to get people to like and comment on a post
  • Marketing Minute with Matt on Marketing Strategy

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In our in-depth interview with Sunil Misra we discuss Systems Thinking along with:

  • A definition and understanding of Systems Thinking
  • Why IT is becoming so important in the marketing world
  • A definition and understanding of holistic thinking and marketing
  • How systems thinking comes into play when considering the merging of CIO and CMO
  • What kind of digital innovations he has witnessed during the pandemic
  • Sunil’s thoughts on rising technologies that have the most potential to change the world
  • How can companies get in front of disruption by using systems thinking
  • What’s his favorite scary movie, both A list and D list 

glorious marketing of the week

KFCconsole Systems Thinking

No KFC has not actually created a new gamin console that actually heats chicken while you play it.  The KFC 4k Console is a viral advertisement campaign, that KFC launched in December.  

One might wonder why KFC would even spend the money on a gaming console advertisement.  The answer probably lies in the data.  Somewhere in KFC headquarters, they have made a connection that gamers have become one of their largest customer bases.

Knowing their target market has helped them out tremendously.  By dialing into the gamers market, they were able to drum up 2.5 M vies, 25k retweets, and 60k+ likes on Twitter.  The reach and brand awareness that was obtained by this cannot be understated.

Fast food companies are notorious for making fun and ridiculous advertisements that help generate great brand awareness for them.  This is not an exception.  Many people who have viewed this advertisement surely know KFC exists and maybe forgot they lived close to one.  This advertisement gets those people thinking about KFC again, and ideally, that leads to more sales.

SUnil Misra

Sunil Misra Systems Thinking

Sunil Misra CEO of Emtec and Professor at Temple University 

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We are digital marketing company that focuses on website design, social integration and content creation.

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