Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Internal Communications with Karen Cunningham

In episode 26 we sit down with Karen Cunningham of Temple University Health System to discuss how Internal Communications has changed during the Pandemic.
Internal Communications with Karen Cunningham

Internal Communications with Karen Cunningham

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In the 26th episode of the GDMS Podcast, we discuss Internal Communications with our guest-host Karen Cunningham.

We also discuss the following:

  • The Internal Communications Tool SocialChorus
  • The importance of keeping employees informed at all times and as timely as possible
  • Marketing Minute with Matt on the marketing implications of Blockchain Technology

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In our in-depth interview with Karen Cunningham, HR Communications, Wellbeing, and Employee Engagement at Temple University Health System, we discuss the following:

    • How Karen got involved in Internal Communications after getting her degree in Journalism
    • An explanation of what Internal Communications is along with a few examples
    • How crafting a message for an internal communications team differs from crafting a message for traditional marketing
    • What goes into the creative process when putting together an internal communication message
    • The stakeholders Kare is involved with on a regular basis
    • Karen’s personal thoughts on the best ways to make sure someone reads your message
    • What kind of visual tools Karen uses in her internal communications position
    • If she tracks any data on the internal communication messages she sends out
    • How COVID has affected internal communications
    • What Karen has seen other companies do differently with Internal Communications because of the Pandemic
    • What kind of tactics she has picked up during the Pandemic, that she thinks she will keep after the Pandemic is over
    • Karen’s favorite A list horror film (good quality horror film) and D list horror film (Terribly made horror film, but you are going to watch it either way)
    • Karen’s favorite Philadelphia sports moment
Mapping the Employee Journey

glorious marketing of the week

SocialChorus Personalizing the Internal Communications Experience

At the core of SocialChorus is the ability to provide employees with personalized company and industry content via branded mobile apps. Brands can customize their channels to makes it easier to find and share the most relevant content.

The content that you curate from social networks, internal applications, and productivity tools is a key part. To get the most out of the apps, you should integrate SocialChorus with third-party software such as CRM, applicant tracking systems, and marketing automation tools, along with your company intranet.

Share Content on Social Networks

SocialChorus was designed in a way that makes it easy for users to share the most important pieces of content with their own networks on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

You can curate the type of content that your employees will want to share, making sure to include the most relevant news and announcements.

Organizations can decide which content is shareable and can turn off sharing for internal pieces of content.

Sending Real-Time Notifications

Employees are bringing their smartphones and tablets everywhere they go, which is why SocialChorus has created apps for these devices in addition to the web version.

With mobile push notifications, employees can find out immediately what is going on within their organizations, without having to sit in front of a desktop computer.

You can customize your company’s SocialChorus app to reflect your brand, and send push notifications to ensure your employees are always caught up on the latest announcements and events.

Tracking Internal Growth

Without missing a beat, SocialChorus has been able to integrate data tracking and analytics features into its branded apps. Employers can explore the daily connections that keep employees at the tops of their games.

Visit your dashboard to review statistics regarding employee and audience engagement, awareness, and sharing data.

Karen Cunningham

Karen Cunningham

Karen Cunningham HR Communications, Wellbeing, and Employee Engagement at Temple University Health System

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We are digital marketing company that focuses on website design, social integration and content creation.

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