Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

In the 37th episode of the GDMS Podcast, we discussed Business Rebranding with Crossfit Delco Owner and trainer Mike Devito.
Business Rebranding with Crossfit Delco Owner Mike Devito

Business Rebranding with Mike Devito

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In the 37th episode of the GDMS Podcast, we sat down with one of the owners and trainers of Crossfit Delco, Mike Devito, to discuss rebranding your business, social listening, marketing a crossfit gym, and the importance of customer feedback and community.

We also discuss the following:

  • Jeopardy using Social Listening to make Levar Burton a host
  • Whether or not Jeopardy sabotaged Levar Burton by putting him on during the week of the Olympics
  • The importance of engaging Google review
  • A marketing minute with Matt on User Generated Content

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What is business rebranding?

business rebranding - Definition

Rebranding is when a previously owned business or current business changes or updates its current branding.

Rebranding a business is performed to change the corporate image of an organization. Rebranding is a strategy of giving a new name, symbol, color scheme, feel, or design for an already recognized brand.

The idea behind why would a business want to rebrand is to create a differentiated brand from its competitors in the market by presenting a new unique, updated, and refreshed brand.

Differences in What is rebranding?

Proactive rebranding vs. Reactive Rebranding

There are two main reasons a company will go through a rebranding.  The business is either doing a proactive rebranding or a reactive rebranding. 

Here is an infograph to help you understand the difference between the two.

Proactive vs Reactive Business Rebranding Infographic - Rebranding your Business

Our interview this week was with Mike Devito, one of the owners and trainers at CrossFit Delco.  In the interview, we discussed the following:

  • We ask Mike how he ended up in Delaware County after growing up on the Jersey Shore?
  • When did Mike discover that he had a passion for training people?
  • Mike describes what CrossFit is and how he got involved in CrossFit.
  • There is a great sense of community in CrossFit gyms.  Mike describes the community and how that culture is formed.
  • How did Mike become one of the owners of CrossFit Delco?
  • What led Mike and the other owner to rebrand the gym to CrossFit Delco?
  • People from Delaware County take great pride in being from “Delco”. Mike describes how that factored into the name change.
  • Where did Mike get the inspiration for the look and feel of CrossFit Delco?
  • Mike describes the types of challenges he faced with rebranding Crossfit Delco.

glorious marketing of the week

Fans Petition to Have Levar Burton Guest Host Jeopardy

When Jeopardy announced that the list of people that would be Guest-hosting for the program to find the replacement Alex Trebek, one name was suspiciously left off the list. LeVar Burton.

Fans of both Jeopardy and LeVar Burton took to Social Media to discuss their frustrations with LeVar being snubbed as a guest-host of the show.

Fans of LeVar Burton even started a petition that has reached 266,114 signatures, to not just get him on the show, but to actually have him become the next permanent host of the show.

You can see the petition here: Make LeVar Burton the next host of Jeopardy!

Jeopardy utilized social listening and added LeVar Burton

To Jeopardy fans there was absolutely no doubt that LeVar Burton should have the opportunity to guest-host the show, if not become the new host.  For some reason, Jeopardy did not initially invite LeVar Burton to guest-host the show.

Jeopardy utilized social listening and listened to the fan feedback across social media and gave their fans what they wanted.  LeVar Burton was invited to guest-host Jeopardy.

Why did fans want LeVar Burton as a guest-host?

LeVar Burton has been a part of millennials lives since they were born.  LeVar was the host of the popular show, Reading Rainbow, for 30 years, starting in 1984. 

Many millennials remember his soothing voice reading stories to them throughout their childhood. Others remember him as Geordi La Forge from Star Trek the next generation.

Topping it all off, LeVar Burton also, tweeted out in 2013 that his dream job has been to host Jeopardy.  Fans remembered this when the guest-hosts were announced.

Conclusion on rebranding your business

Taking into account the massive following the LeVar Burton has, along with his soothing voice, his ability to draw a diverse audience, and the fact that hosting Jeopardy is LeVar’s dream job, it was a no brainer to add him as a guest-host.

marketing a crossfit gym

crossfit social media marketing

Mike Devito

Crossfit Delco Owner Mike Devito

Mike Devito, Owner and Trainer at Crossfit Delco

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