Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

Material Handling Sales with Mike Mazonkey

In the 28th live episode of the GDMS Podcast, we sit down with Mike Mazonkey Sales Representative at Lift Power to discuss how material handling has changed through increased digitization due to the Pandemic.
Material Handling Sales with MIke Mazonkey

Material Handling Sales with Mike Mazonkey

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In the 28th live episode of the GDMS Podcast, we sat down with Mike Mazonkey Sales Representative at Lift Power to discuss how material handling has changed due to the Pandemic and how supply chains have been disrupted as well.

We also discuss the following:

  • The Budweiser commercial, “Reunited with Buds”
  • COVID fatigue in advertisements
  • Marketing Minute with Matt on quantum computing and how it will affect the marketing world

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In our in-depth interview with Mike Mazonkey, Sales Rep at Lift Power, we discussed the following:

  • Mike discussed Lift Power, what he does there, and how he started working there?
  • What a typical supply chain is like?
  • How much lead time do you typically need to ship an item and how material handling is involved in that process?
  • Mike describes a typical buying cycle in the material handling industry
  • How has the supply chain been affected due to the Pandemic
  • What has that done to typically lead times for material handling?
  • How has the buying cycle for material handling has changed due to the pandemic
  • How that has affected commodity costing
  • What things Mike has done differently as a sales rep during the Pandemic
  • The digital tactics Mike has used during the pandemic for the material handling sales
  • The sales tactics that Mike is going to still use after the pandemic is over
  • Mike’s favorite A list horror film (good quality horror film) and D list horror film (Terribly made horror film, but you are going to watch it either way)
  • Mike’s favorite Hokie and Hokie moment

glorious marketing of the week

Budweiser incentivizes COVID19 vaccinations with a free round of beer

Anheuser Busch is incentivizing people across the US to get their COVID19 shot by offering a free round of their gold standard beer, Budweiser, to anyone over the age of 21 that can verify that they are vaccinated.

To spread the word, they put together this great advertisement above.  It features characters and animals that have been a part of their commercials for decades meeting up together at a bar for a post-COVID round of beers

What makes this ad effective?

Budweiser has chosen to feature its two recent and prominent characters/animals in this advertisement, the Clydesdales, and the yellow lab puppy.  

The Clydesdales have been prominent in marketing campaigns for Budweiser for many years.  They are usually featured during Super Bowl commercials.  More recently, the yellow lab puppy has been introduced to the Budweiser Clydesdale commercials as well.

The other aspect of this commercial that makes it work, is that features a local bar reopening after COVID.

Social interaction is one of the biggest things people around the world have missed since the Pandemic struck a little over a year ago, and bars are a huge part of social interaction across the world.

The combination of the iconic commercial characters and the sentiment of bars reopening strikes all the right cords.

Incentivizing Data Collection

At the end of the commercial, it asks the first 10,000 people to register at and upload, a picture of an “I got vaccinated” sticker, a picture of a band-aid, or a selfie at a vaccination location in order to receive a $5 virtual gift card for Budweiser products.

Budweiser is doing this for two reasons:

  1. They are trying to determine who this message is really resonating with i.e. location, age, gender, etc.
  2. They are incentivizing the user to give them data points, so they can market better to them, and possibly retarget them after the user gives them their email


COVID Fatigue is Real

The pandemic has been taxing on people over the past year.  For some, it has been a traumatizing experience, for others, it has been an inconvenience.  This has led to COVID fatigue for many people. Some people are just over it.

This advertisement is going to come across as different to people who are going through this fatigue.   The people that are over the Pandemic aren’t going to connect that well with the ads underlying message of, “Go get vaccinated”.

COVID Messaging is here to stay for the time being.  As we return to a more normal life, the messaging will start to dissipate, but until we reach true herd immunity, expect the COVID messaging to continue.

Mike Mazonkey

Mike Mazonkey

Mike Mazonkey, Sales Representative at Lift Power

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