Grassroots Digital Marketing Studio

In the 39th episode of the GDMS Marketing Podcast, we discuss Visual Storytelling with Angela Hollowell of Ang H. Studio. How to tell your business story.
Visual Storytelling with Angela Hollowell

Visual Storytelling with Angela Hollowell

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In the 39th episode of the GDMS Marketing Podcast, we discuss Visual Storytelling with Angela Hollowell of Ang H. Studio. We discuss in-depth, how important visual storytelling is to a business, how to draw people into your content, how to define your brand through visual storytelling and much more!

We also discuss the following:

  • How college sports marketing is saving restaurants
  • What NIL’s have done for college athletes
  • Debate whether or not college athletes should make money beyond their scholarship
  • A marketing minute with Matt on what Event Marketing on repurposing content

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What is Visual business Storytelling in a marketing?

Visual Storytelling marketing strategy Definition

Visual Storytelling in marketing is placing the customer at the heart of your advertisements, making them the hero or your story through visual media, both on your business website and social media channels, and using those visuals to guide them through the customer journey.  In order to be effective, it is imperative to integrate these visuals throughout the entire customer journey.

Visual Storytelling is a powerful marketing strategy if used correctly.

In-depth INterview on Visual Storytelling with Angela Hollowell of Ang h. studio

brand storytelling for your business

Our interview this week was with is Angela Hollowell, Director of Photography at Ang H. Studio.  In the interview, we discussed the importance of visual storytelling, including:

  • How Angela got involved in Visual Storytelling, after graduating with a BA in Foreign Languages and Literatures, Spanish and your Master’s in Anthropology of Peace and Human Rights?
  • Angele explains how important it is for businesses on their websites, and social media to include visuals
  • Angela explains the benefits of using visuals on social media including videos, emojis, infographics, etc.
  • Angela discusses the platform that she likes to create stories on and why
  • Angela goes in-depth on how businesses can tell a story by using visuals
  • Angela describes the components of effective storytelling for a businesses
  • Angela explains how you draw people into your content with people having shorter and shorter attention spans, distractions, and limited time
  • We discuss with Angela how branding is very subjective and how companies think they own their brand, but in reality, it is the sentiment of their customers that define it
    • We discuss when you deploy visual storytelling for a business, how do you define the “brand”
  • Angela discusses if she makes content that builds upon an overarching story over a series of content releases
  • Angela also discusses how to create different content then your competitors
  • Angela discusses her favorite A list horror film (good quality horror film) and D list horror film (Terribly made horror film, but you are going to watch it either way)
  • Angela tells us her favorite sports moment

glorious marketing of the week

Restaurants are looking for help

Restaurants around the world were most affected by the lockdowns from COVID.  Both restaurants in college towns, and outside of theme, rely heavily on the money generated during the NCAA sporting season.

With NCAA fans returning to the stands for NCAA Sports this year, restaurants, especially in college towns, are looking at college sports marketing as a potential lifeline in the post lockdown world.

Enter the NIL Agreements

In the fall season of 2021, the NCAA adopted an interim name, image, and likeness policy.  Often referred to as the NIL, it serves as a way for college athletes to legally make money off advertisements that use their name, image, or likeness.

This is coming at a much-needed time for college restaurants around the country.  They now have the ability to pair up with local star athletes and advertise their restaurants.

This has the potential to be a game changer for restaurants, as many of the NCAA athletes have built in audiences from high school, and on the national level.  That means a tweet about a local business can have a reach that goes far beyond the local college market, as it possibly could be extended nationally.

This is huge for brand awareness of mom-and-pop restaurants and could potentially lead to people seeing those social media advertisements and actually eating at one of the restaurants.

Angela Hollowell

Angela Hollowell Visual Storytelling

Angela Hollowell, Director of Photography at Ang H. Studio

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We are digital marketing company that focuses on website design, social integration and content creation.

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